The Nememiah Chronicles 2 – Knowledge Quickening by D.S. Williams

The Nememiah Chronicles 2

To wake up in a cold dank room would be frightening but not to know how you got there would be worse.  How much punishment can a person take before their body and mind just gives up. Charlotte knew she could put up with anything except someone else being killed because of her.  This book is where is first meets Conal and realises there is not much time before the change affects him.  At last Lucas’s Kiss and Conal’s Pack meet, I could feel the tension in the room and could not read fast enough to see if they get into a fight.  If only all wars could be handled the way this was accomplished life would be so much better for us all.  Again, I found myself laughing aloud at the antics Charlotte and Striker got up to.  I found this book – Knowledge Quickening – had me going through the different facets of my feelings from anger to sadness to laughter and sorrow.  Towards the end, everything started to happen.  Charlotte found out whom she really was training to understand her ‘gift’ and finding it easier than she thought.  The tricky part was coming up with a plan to rescue the Tines.  Arriving at the Castle Charlotte realized things were worse then she thought but she had to ignore it all for the plan to succeed.  Her first glimpse of Archangelo made her wonder if they were born twins and separated at birth.  The fighting was gruesome, who would win the battle and could they save the Tines?

I can’t wait to read The Nememiah Chronicles 3 – Knowledge Hurts to continue with this great series.

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